Bridget Ambrose is an Energy Intuitive + Reiki Master + Integrated CranioSacral Practitioner + Tarot reader. 

She is for the everyday alchemy of life — the messiness, the connection, the complexity, the simplicity and the harmony of it all.

Blending her advanced training in Energy Medicine along with her own healing journey, Bridget is able to help people understand who they are at a deeper level and reclaim their wholeness. She believes healing happens when we bring awareness to the limitless potential within us to gently transform tension patterns into sources of compassion and wisdom. 

With a degree in Psychology and an extended background in Child Development she has worked as an educator and mentor with both children and adults in a variety of settings and continues to see people from around the world. She resides with her family in Missoula Montana which is situated on the traditional homelands of the Salish and Pend d’Oreille people.