Lucy is an experienced CTI, PCC, Career & Leadership coach/facilitator who has worked across cultures and countries for many years, developing a unique ability to quickly understand complex dynamics facing women both in the workplace and in their personal lives. Her style has been described as astute, fun, and energetic. Clients say she has a unique ability to truly listen and reframe so as to help them synthesize insights into action-oriented behaviors that they carry into all facets of their lives. When not facilitating Murmuration Collective’s retreats on the shore of Flathead Lake, MT, and abroad in unique locations, Lucy brings coaching and training to leaders through her Olerai Leadership, LLC.
Corporate Experience: Nike, Adidas, Leo Burnett, Wieden+Kennedy
Coaching assignments: CHIEF, Snap, Noom, Bumble, Nike, Swift, Satis&Fy, Ibotta, AKQA, FQ
Core values: Authenticity. Inclusivity. Laughter.
Olerai Leadership
Instagram: @Murmuration_Collective
Facebook: Murmuration Collective